Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Treating the Condition, Instead of the Symptoms

Pictured above is one the fairway areas that suffered a horrible fate at the hands of last months torrential rainfall. But, even though there is standing water inside the dead area, this is not a picture from last month- this is a picture from this morning. We've been told first hand the spots we are sodding now have been sodded over and over again for years. The reason is simple: the dead grass is only a symptom of the true problem which, believe it or not, is not heavy rainfall. 

The true problem is drainage, or more specifically our lack there of. These areas flood because of heavy rainfall, which is the natural response.  They stay flooded, however, because the water has nowhere to go. This is when standing water truly becomes dangerous; when it remains for hours (or even days) after the rain has ceased and the sun has come out.  Here drowning turf becomes boiling turf as the water is heated by the mid day sun, just as we explained in our earlier post. Either of these outcomes can be avoided if proper drainage is installed to allow the saturated soils more accessible relief. Our intention this fall is to undertake that task.

I am sure most of you have already noticed that the better part of these areas have been seeded or sodded, but it is important that you know the difference between a temporary fix and a true solution. Installing additional drainage is a true solution. If we continue to simply regrow grass on these trouble spots then, like an athlete who takes aspirin for a sprained tendon, eventually our temporary fix will run out and we will be left no better off.

See you on the course!
Elliott Dowling