Wednesday, August 17, 2011

In defense of Core Aerification

Core aerification. I can't imagine a more divisive term amongst superintendents and golfers. Golfers hate it because of the disruption that it by definition must bring to the playing surface. Superintendents love it because of the very many positive affects it has on turf, not the least of which being increased density and health.

For anyone who may doubt the positives of core aerifictation, I want to share this picture.

This is a perfect example of why aerification is necessary. All of those green circles are areas that grew back stronger and more healthy once the core was pulled. It may look like this green is in bad shape, but compare this picture to the other trouble spots we have after this harsh June and July and you will see there is a major difference. This picture was taken on the our putting green, the only green we were able to aerify this spring- it is also the only green with this sort of healthy new growth in it's struggling areas.

As a reminder, the week of September 26th will bring our fall aerification.  We will be aerifying the entire course. Suffice it to say that these will not be good days to bring guests and/or give first impressions. But remember as you're looking out over a freshly aerified golf course that a little disruption now brings increased health and endurance later.

See you on the course!
Elliott Dowling