Monday, May 6, 2013

Any Given Monday

Before the sun was out Cress Creek Country Club's crew was hard at work. As many of you know, Monday's with no outings scheduled are often project days for grounds, today was no different.

We started the day on 18 fairway, and the practice tee. Both these areas, along with 8 approach were seeded to improved varieties of turf late last fall. For the most part these areas have established nicely but, just as with any large scale grow in, we were prepared for touch up work. An underwhelming spring ensured that our preparation would be put to use. With the weather shifting in our favor we took today's opportunity to seed. For the most part both areas remain undisturbed and play should not be disrupted.

We have also been mowing these areas with the same interval and equipment as the other features on the course. Mowing newly established turf encourages lateral growth- which in turn helps new turf to fill in any areas that may not have performed as well.

In other establishment news: This year we took a slightly different approach to aerification in an effort to improve efficiency. Cores harvested from the greens were taken to the nursery and planted, cores from the tees went to the rear of 9's left-hand tee a week later. Both areas are now showing new, healthy growth. Should the weather stand by us they will hopefully establish with only a small need for touch up work. Beyond the time and money it saves, renewing the nursery via this method also has one agronomic perk that seeding and sodding do not: Any sod taken from the nursery will have been established from our own unique greens, and cared for from inception using the same practices.

All in a Monday's work!
Ryan A. Dunbar
Assistant Superintendent

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