I wanted to make a few points of clarification in regards to yesterday's blog which, it would seem, has caused a bit of confusion. First and foremost I would like to apologize for posting the wrong dates. Our intention was always to follow the same schedule as posted, but to do so starting with the first Roundup spray on August 27, not August 6. That said, no work will be started until the Board of Directors meets on August 22 and has a chance to discuss the parameters of the project.
Second, I made a poor choose of words by using the word "renovation". I recognize now that this word is loaded, and brings with it a scary connotation. The two areas being targeted, the short fairways on eight and eighteen, are in need of improvement. Our goal is to show you what the process would be to convert our fairways to a pure bentgrass stand. All of the work will be done in-house, under the grounds budget. It should be kept in mind that the two areas that would be treated represent less than a half acre of the 30 acres of fairway on the golf course (1.7%)
We on the grounds want the same thing as you: the best possible playing conditions and healthy turf. Our fifty year-old fairways simply cannot stand up to the newly renovated fairways that surround us here in the southwest suburbs.
Respectfully submitted,
Elliott Dowling