Monday, May 13, 2013
Any Given Monday
Have Frost, Will Travel
Certainly no one would have guessed this time last week that spring still had another frost left to go, but by Friday it was clear we had a decent chance at not one, but two! Grounds took this mornings delay in stride however, and used it to do some spring cleaning around the shop and barns. Organizing our out door storage and dump area were the primary goals, and I would say they were met. Hopefully as you all play the course this week you will notice the difference.
As of the end of last week all of the logs in the grounds parking lot are now gone; we also removed all of the remaining aerification sand. This frees up a great deal of space just in time for the return of the tennis season. We are still trying to find a home for the remaining mulch. We have a few areas on the course left to do, but if you or any of your neighbors are interested please feel free to take as much as you need!
Once the course had thawed, we did some work at the chipping green. Years of sand being added to the bunker berm had raised it's height considerably, and burned much of the turf there. Today we shaved that added height off and we will be sodding the bentgrass side of the berm in the days to come. Quite a bit of sod went down around the rest of the course as well, with more on deck for tomorrow. Please keep your eyes out for ropes and stakes in these areas and respect their need to be left undisturbed.
Those are the high-lights from another Monday with the course all to ourselves. Hopefully everyone had a great weekend, and a happy Mother's Day.
All in a Monday's work!
Ryan A. Dunbar