~~The following is the C.D.G.A. scouting report as posted by Derek Settle, PhD. Don't forget to follow the link!~~ |
September 14, 2012 Scouting Report
Nights Mean Normal: Dollar Spot, Rust, White Grubs, Sod Rolling Up
(animals search for said grubs) and Tim says Festuca arundinacea
Chicago/Northern Illinois Update: Derek Settle
week, temperatures were both warm and cool. Plants said Huh? Actually
it meant our season was acting right again for a change as the calendar
is now pretty much between summer and fall. Our jaws would drop wide
open when lows dropped to 47° twice in Lemont - we've now experienced
our first really cool period since June. It's a real joy when nights
hold the mercury to 50° or less. The surprise/enthusiasm if you manage
turf? Well if jackets are on, the trend of FEWER issues will only
accelerate. Rewind. Just a week ago the landscape looked and felt like a
lot of trouble. Midsummer had briefly returned to 5th gear when our
nights remained warm and humid. My Everything word last week meant all
major fungal diseases of turf were banging their pots and pans -
should've said Yikes as eyes get real big seeing nuclear dollar spot.
it's September and so fast-forward to normal. Normal would be dealing
with moderate levels of foliar rust and dollar spot affecting Kentucky
bluegrass roughs. Normal would be root damage from things like annual
white grubs. Normal would be waking up to see the amazing sod rolling
ability of hungry animals - grubs!?! Normal would be catching up with
paperwork. Ahh, normal.
Click here to view the September 14, 2012 Scouting Report.
Enjoy normal and what is to be a beautiful weekend of weather!
Derek Settle, PhD
Director of Turfgrass Program |