Thursday, July 26, 2012

Signs of Recovery

As a follow up to yesterday's post highlighting Dr. Settle's mention of our course's and many other course's in the area struggle with dormant Poa trivialis, I thought this picture might be worth sharing. You can see green leaf blades beginning to protrude from plants that might have appeared dead but most certainly were not.  With this past week's few days of rain and a break from the blistering heat (yesterday not included) the Poa trivialis is timidly stepping back into the light.

In the upper right corner of the photo you can see our lush, green Bentgrass -the intended species- hanging tough after months of abuse. While there is still plenty of summer left and more blazing hot days in our future, this happening again is not impossible- but as you can see the spots will recover.

See you on the course!
Elliott Dowling