Tuesday night the Board of Directors approved the greens committee's recommendation to remove three willows that inhabit the bank of 15 tee's pond. These willows have been shedding material for some time, as they are nearing the end of their life cycle. The willows will be brought down Monday (June 25) with the intention of having the area ready for invitational. This fall and spring, we will be installing additional bald cypress at that location, our hope is that more bald cypress will tie in with the existing bald cypress on the south side of the pond, bringing more cohesion to the area.
Lastly, the Board of Directors voted to repeal the bunker rake placement rules made earlier this year that required the rakes to be placed inside the bunkers after use. The rakes are now to be placed in the rough on the far side of the bunker from whatever feature said bunker may inhabit, be it a green or fairway. The grounds crew has already made the change.
See you on the course!
Elliott Dowling