With freezing weather soon approaching (some say as early as the end of the week) it was time to winterize the irrigation system. This was the scene yesterday as we used compressed air to purge water from the miles of pipe beneath the course. As we all know, substances expand when frozen and a pipe full of water left over the winter will become a broken pipe full of ice.
In just under four hours every single head on the course was opened and allowed to run, along with our ponds and specific quick couplers (apparatuses that allow hoses to tap into the irrigation system). While winter is a worthy foe that can find ways to cause damage no matter how well you prepare, this preventative maintenance should help keep the damage to our irrigation at a minimum.
As the month grows colder, we will also be making our preventative fungicide applications. These applications are designed to help discourage the establishment of turf diseases that thrive in the cold and beneath snow cover. Again there is no 100% shield against these outbreaks, but we will be doing all that we can to avoid them.
As the month grows colder, we will also be making our preventative fungicide applications. These applications are designed to help discourage the establishment of turf diseases that thrive in the cold and beneath snow cover. Again there is no 100% shield against these outbreaks, but we will be doing all that we can to avoid them.
Believe it or not, it is just about that time of year ladies and gentlemen. Attention must be shifted to finishing what projects we can before the inevitable freeze and the long wait for spring.
See you on the course!
Elliott Dowling