Thursday, June 30, 2011

Why does number 9 green look the way it does?

For those of you who played yesterday or will be playing soon, you have noticed (or will) that number 9 green does not look like the rest.  Since my start date I have been told by members, and staff that this green has been a notable trouble spot, consistently under performing compared to the rest of the greens. Over the course of multiple years soil samples have been taken and results have always come back inconclusive.

The day of our May opening shotgun I had the Chicago District Golf Association Head Agronomist, Derek Settle on the course and he took a tissue sample which revealed to him a rare disease that has since been treated. Given the greens current state, I will be having him on the course again today to share his thoughts on what the remaining reasons for all the trouble could be.  I will be re-posting his notes as soon as I have them in hand.

I understand and agree that currently the green does not look like the rest.  We are currently working to solve the persistent problem.  There is a permanent solution and rest assured that we are doing all that we can to find it.

See you on the course!
Elliott Dowling